
Welcome to Land and Sea Solar, the longest running solar electric company in Santa Cruz County, formed over 38 years ago.

At the time there were only Off-Grid Solar, Marine and RV charging systems, which were our specialties and Solar Domestic Hot Water heating, DHW. Since that time, we’ve seen the rise of Grid-Tie Solar and our company installed many of the original residential systems in the area. 

Since then, solar has reached a point of saturation with our electric grid and PGE is now limiting new system installs with no monetary incentive to grid intertie (see NEM3.0) and customers are forced to install expensive battery storage systems and building departments are totally backlogged in approving new systems. 

Due to these changes, we have decided to return to our roots and focus primarily on Off-Grid Solar systems. We offer design, installation, troubleshooting and maintenance of these systems and provide battery, solar panel and inverter upgrades.

See our referral page for specialties we don’t cover.

If you are interested in Lithium energy storage batteries, please see our page on that topic. 

We also have a helpful page for DIYers on setting up small scale systems for RVs and cabins. We originally put that together for Burning Man folks.

We also offer Land Use Consulting on developing raw land into homesteads and we have a working knowledge of everything from site grading, trenching and roadwork to water pumping and storage to solar array placement and equipment room layouts to generator placement and overall site design. We can also recommend the most experienced local specialists to help with the parts of the project we don’t specialize in.